Monday, July 6, 2009

Maglite Flashlights

OK. Here's one for you guys (lol)! My husband has been buying Maglite flashlights for years. Actually, I use them quite a bit myself. This is a very durable and reliable product that will last for many, many years. We have them in all shapes, sizes and colors. Which one will you buy? Buy it on!

CorningWare and Pyrex

Two great kitchen products: CorningWare and Pyrex. I have used these products for years and the quality is phenomenal. Many of these items are designed to go straight from the oven to the serving table (just don't forget to put a trivet under them!). When you're finished with the meal, put the lid on it and store the leftovers in the same dish. These are great bridal shower and wedding gift items. Buy it on! I don't know how to create a real "store" website

...but you get the idea, right? I'll blog about the great products I find that are Made in the USA. You can comment or offer new suggestions. I will try to keep some links going so that we can practice what we preach. The goal is to support the companies that are supporting the USA and keeping their jobs in this country.